Hello. Hello, Spiritual Biz Success people. Hi, I am Kimberly Maska, founder of Spiritual Biz Bootcamp and creator of this group here, Spiritual Biz Success. I am here to answer a question. So someone in the group posted a question. This is Laura’s question, and it’s actually excellent because you guys all know I talk a ton about spirituality, business, money, charging for your gifts, the energy exchange, and it can get a little confusing because then we think to ourselves, Well, wait. We’re supposed to be serving, too, sometimes we have this little inner conflict.
So she had a really beautiful question, and I’m going to read her question. I’m going to read pieces of it and respond to it. So her question relates to pricing, especially in light of my email today. I sent out an email about creating abundance, and so what it’s about is – I’m saying here – and she was paraphrasing, but I basically, I say that you can’t create abundance at $100 an hour or get anywhere with courses that are $197 and that I recommend, for my clients, that they create a course that’s about $2,000. That’s what I have all the people in Spiritual Biz Bootcamp creating.
Her question is… Let’s see. Let me read this right: “Is access to healing work really only meant for the affluent?” In my program, the way I teach, is it only for people with money? The answer to that is no, but let me finish the rest of her question. Then, I’ll explain.
She goes, “You suggest that healers are selfish if they aren’t creating so much money,” which is $100,000 a year, “that they can give back loads to charity, and what if charity takes that?” Let’s see. Did I get that right? “What if charity takes that money in the form of giving and helping those who can’t otherwise get it?” She’s asking it sincerely.
So the idea here is when I’m talking about money and abundance and spiritual entrepreneurs creating that abundance, what about the service piece? And is what I’m saying that only people that have money can get spiritual gifts or get their spiritual teachers to work with them to help change their life? And let me clarify.
So when we’re talking about creating abundance, as spiritual entrepreneurs, I’m talking about pricing your program about $2,000. That’s what I teach in Spiritual Biz Bootcamp. My clients have been incredibly successful with that. Now, the reason why I say not to do a lower price point is because I am all about results. How do you get your clients results?
And you do not get your clients results at a $97 course or $197 course. I know it because I’ve seen it. I have some lower-priced courses, personally, so that people who aren’t quite as affluent have access to my knowledge and can see what I’m talking about and get some course material on stuff. I do that, but I’m going to tell you this, that I don’t see them getting results. I just don’t.
In fact, many times, people pay for the program, and they never even open it. They never do anything with it. If you guys were doing the same thing, and you’re charging a low amount for people, people aren’t committed. They don’t follow through with it, so I discourage the cheaper products. I discourage the $97, the $197 as your primary source of income.
Again, I teach how to make money while you meditate, so you can do some automation for people who believe that that’s where they are, but I choose to see my clients in a higher light. I choose to see them at the biggest and best version of who they are, and I believe in them enough to know that they are ready to invest in themselves to create something beautiful.
Now, that’s why we do the $2,000 price point. It’s because when they do that, they commit to themselves. So it’s not about committing to the person who’s charging them the money. It kind of is, but they’re committing to themselves to accomplish something. This is a big paradigm shift because people get really caught up – in fact, someone else, today, had this question. It’s funny that it came up twice, and so I always know I have to do some clarity around things when I get the question twice.
But someone else had said, “Are we saying those people don’t value themselves if they’re not willing to spend a few thousand dollars on themselves?” And my answer… It’s not that they don’t value themselves, but they clearly don’t value the situation that needs to be fixed enough. When we’re charging the $97, the $197, that’s like throwaway money for a lot of people, and even the people that don’t have money – see, I don’t choose to see them that way.
I choose that we all create our reality, and that we’re all choosing where the money goes. Really, almost all of us, we all know people that say they don’t have any money, but yet they go out and spend it on silly things. So I choose to not see them that way. I choose to see that they are in full abundance, and they actually have that money to change their lives.
So those $97, $197 courses, they come and spend it. They don’t ever open it up. I can tell you that I have an open rate of less than percent when people pay for my online course that has no interaction with me, so it’s not serving. It really is not serving. It kind of breaks my heart.
So to be able to get your clients to commit and get your clients to really commit to themselves, to improve themselves and change their lives, we charge a higher price because they’re not going to walk away and not show up. Although, it does happen. I have people who join Bootcamp and then walk away and don’t show up. It’s crazy to me. But Stacie, who was here, who is a Bootcamp graduate, I know she’s seen it too, where people just kind of walk away. So you want to price it to the point where they value themselves. They value the results.
Let me rephrase that. It’s not about valuing themselves. It’s about valuing the results and the problem that they have to get there. So that’s why there’s a price difference. Now, as far as people who truly cannot afford – and again, I really don’t like to see people in that lower light, but then you find another way to help them. But if you are struggling in your business, you can’t help them. You can’t put the oxygen mask on the person next to you if you’re passed out. That’s not how that works.
So as spiritual entrepreneurs, we’re here to create financial abundance for ourselves so that then we can give it back. That has to keep that energy flow going. That energy flow is so important in that passing of money. And what happens is, when you are in scarcity, you see this as a problem because you’re like, “I can’t imagine people spending that.” And I don’t mean you, Laura, but I’m talking about someone else I spoke with today. So I want to make sure that I’m clear about that
But when you – anybody – is in scarcity, we start to think, “Oh, I couldn’t spend that much money on it. Oh, I don’t know how someone would pay me that much money for this kind of course.” It’s really unfortunate because what we’re doing is we’re putting our scarcity on other people.
The minute that we say, “Oh, I don’t think they can afford to pay that for me,” we’ve taken our scarcity, and we put it on them. That’s not right. That’s not right at all. The whole fix to this is to correct our own internal scarcity and to create a program that serves your clients at the highest level that gets them to change their lives in an amazing way, where they would pay ten times what you’re charging them for because they see the results, and they see the value of fixing the problem that they have. That’s a really important distinction.
So when we’re talking about pricing your programs, that’s why I teach, in Spiritual Biz Bootcamp, the $2000-ish price range for their program. I can guarantee you that when someone comes into Bootcamp, they’re not creating some fluff program. That’s not how we do it. We’re creating things that change lives. So, Laura, I hope that answers your question, the difference between why I say not the $197 and do $2,000 and “Is it the only affluent people?”
Again, I choose to see everyone in abundance because even the people who feel like they’re struggling, and they feel like they don’t have the money – most of us are not working with homeless people. Most of us are working with people that have something. They’re going to the movies. They all have cell phones. They’ve got a car. They’re paying their car insurance. There are all sorts of things that they’re doing that they’re just not choosing to put the money towards themselves.
So again, they’re not valuing the problem that they have enough to fix it. When they’re not seeing that much value in the solution to this problem, they’re not going to stick with it, and they’re not getting results. Then, you’re just taking their money.
I actually feel guilty, a little bit, when someone joins one of my online programs. They pay the $197, and then they never open it. I’m like, “Ah, what do I do with that money?” And fortunately, I donate and tithe enough that I don’t feel too bad because that money just goes right back out, but it’s a little uncomfortable. And yep, see, Stacie has had some amazing success with what she’s done with Bootcamp. She’s changing lives every day, and she’s doing it at a higher price point, but she had a lower price point. It wasn’t really happening.
That’s why, Laura, I talk about that price point, and why that, then, taking that concept, if you’re going to take that concept and say, “Okay, “I’m not going to do the lower price. I’m going to do the higher priced program,” then if you’re not making six figures, that also means that you’re being selfish because you’re not changing enough lives.
Think about that for a second. If you’re financially struggling as a spiritual entrepreneur, it means you’re not changing lives. That’s a big one because you’re not changing lives because you’re doing it at a cheap price, and they’re really not stepping up and committing, so you have to charge more. And then, either way, whether you’re charging more or less, but you’re only making a few thousand dollars a month, that just means you’re not serving at the highest level because I guarantee you there are hundreds of thousands of people out there that need what you have.
If they’re not connecting with you, if you haven’t taken the time to build your business and step out and really connect, that means you’re not serving, and yes, that’s being selfish. That’s being selfish because you’re only helping a few people a month instead of hundreds of people or thousands of people. That is a whole other way of thinking because we think, Oh, spiritual entrepreneurs, we’re supposed to give and give and give.
You are supposed to give, but you’re supposed to create and receive so that you can give because you can’t give what you don’t have. That’s not how it works. You have to be able to be the best version of you and be the change you want to see in order to then help other people. It’s the only way that it works. That’s amazing.
And Ceci, who is in Bootcamp as well, yes, so she said, “If someone will spend $2,000 to fix their car when it’s broken to keep it going, why didn’t they spend $2,000 to fix their lives?” And that’s absolutely true. So I’m glad Ceci’s starting to see success too. She’s in the middle of Bootcamp.
So let’s see. “What about the people who are waking up early in their life and can’t afford expensive programs and would rather attend a less expensive class and workshop?” So here, if you’ve missed the beginning, this is what I was talking about. I don’t think anyone here is dealing with homeless people. Again, this is where I go back to this.
If we are, that’s a totally different story. That’s donating your time and energy to help. Like, I have flown to Bolivia. I have been to Romania. I go and I help families build homes and feed them and stuff, so that’s how I give to the people who are really in a situation that they’re just totally stuck.
But here, in the United States, and even in Europe and stuff, we have such access to so much that if we can shift our mind, we can create. So no matter where your awakening process is, we all have the ability to create. It’s, “What are we choosing to create?” If you look at, again, if they say they can’t afford an expensive program, we’re holding them in a low light. We’re holding them and looking at them like, “Oh, they can’t afford.”
We’re putting our scarcity on them, saying what they can or can’t do. That’s really crappy, I think, to put our negative energy on them and say, “Well, they can’t afford that.” You don’t know that. You don’t know. So we start to think we’re just going to lower ourselves. We’re going to lower our pricing. We’re going to lower what we do to match something that we’ve created in our minds.
Now, again, when you’re charging so that people are really committed and they show up and they get results, then you can take that abundance, and you can donate it. But getting someone to join one of your programs or work with you for a low price, it doesn’t serve anybody. It doesn’t serve you because you’re working way harder than you should be for that dollar amount.
In the end, it doesn’t serve them, because they’re probably not going to stick with it. It’s very, very rare that they will stick with it if it’s for free or super cheap, and that’s just not how it works. I’ve seen it. You know how many times I’ve tried to help people and given them things for free and told them how to build businesses, and whether it’s family or friends or whoever, and they just don’t do it. It’s amazing to me. They just don’t do it.
Like I said, I have my lower-price programs so that people who really want to try and get their feet wet and stuff, they can go look at it, but I know those lower-price programs, I’m not seeing them open the programs. It doesn’t help them if they don’t actually do it, yet I’ve received this abundance for it. So to me, it’s a little off, so I charge a higher rate because I get people amazing results. I completely change people’s lives with creating their programs in their spiritual business, and so that’s okay.
If someone’s not ready… You know, if we’ve all heard Abraham-Hicks say, “You’re getting ready to get ready.” Know what you need to do, and get ready to get ready. If you want to create a business, then you have to figure it out. You have to get ready to get ready. What does it take?
Same thing if you have clients or you’re trying to get clients, and you have a lower price program, and you’re like, “What about the people that can’t afford?” Again, we don’t want to put our negative scarcity on them. But if you choose to do that, then tell them to get ready to get ready. Tell them to get ready to work with you, so they can have an amazing life because we’re all creating abundance.
Again, there’s a small percentage of people who really have it bad, but in this United States, everyone here, you guys are all on the Internet. You guys are all on Facebook, so that means you’re paying for Internet connectivity. You probably have a cell phone. I’m looking at people, and it’s like, it’s a choice. It’s a choice of where they’re willing to put their funds.
When we choose ourselves, and to better ourselves, it becomes a whole different animal. So you guys have to shift that thinking, so that when you’re charging your clients and you’re going out to present your programs and stuff, to understand that whole process. You’ve got to shift that, guys, because if you’re seeing everyone else in this low vibration of “they can’t afford,” that’s really unfortunate.
I choose to hold everyone in their light, and that just means they may not be ready. Hold them in the highest light, that you know they can do this. The idea of charging them isn’t because you have faith in what you can do. You’re charging them because you have faith that they will commit to themselves to change their lives. It’s just a different way of thinking, and it is beautiful when you can shift your thinking like that and see your client as this amazing person that is powerful and creative and abundant and can change their lives.
When you can shift that, it will change everything. I mean, everything in your business to be able to do that. And so, yeah, I hope that helps. I know that was kind of raving. Let me make sure I answered her question completely, Laura. Yep, so I think that’s it. So and you can always say, “Create the abundance, and then give it back.”
So if you’re trying to help people that are less fortunate, create the money so that you can give it back. I donate money all the time and time and everything else because I know that those people need it. Now, when I donate my program and stuff, I find they just don’t really use it. So that’s the difference. It’s just a whole different animal. So take that shift. Realize that you’re doing it for your client because you’re holding them in the highest possible light. You’re not seeing them in any kind of lack, and you can just see them in full abundance.
It would be incredible to do that. Imagine if we all held each other in our highest light, if you saw everybody as abundant and confident and just whole in themselves at all times, what this world would look like. It would be amazing because I think we could all, actually, shift the vibration of the planet like that if we walked around and saw everyone in their highest light in abundance and love and creativity and in full power of who they are. So see your clients that way, and it makes a really huge difference. I think that was it.
So I’m, again, Kimberly Maska, creator of Spiritual Biz Bootcamp. Let me make sure I didn’t miss any questions. “What’s the best way to handle charging those rates when you already have paying clients that had been with you for a while, and they have lower rates?”
So that’s something that we cover in Bootcamp, about how do you shift that. It is a little bit of a process, but you can grandfather them in a little bit. I usually show my clients how to create a little process to move them over and to upgrade them into your programs.
Now, I want to be clear. When you’re charging higher prices like that, you’ve got to make sure you’re serving. This is not just like, “Oh, I’m going to go do what I do now and charge all this money.” That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about making sure you’re getting your clients massive results.
Stacie, who, I don’t know if she’s still in here watching, who was in here watching, who was part of the Bootcamp, her clients are going, “Wow, Stacie, you’ve changed my life.” So you have to make sure that you’re giving your clients massive results, and only then can you charge those prices. You can’t just go and try and charge those prices if you don’t have that down, which is the whole process I walk everyone through in Bootcamp. That’s part of what we do, making sure you’re really, really serving.
So when you’re really serving that way, the clients that you have that are really serious about making changes in their lives will upgrade. They will get what you’re doing. And if they don’t, they weren’t your clients to begin with anyways.
I always laugh when people say, “What happens if I raise my prices?” Or some people who aren’t charging, they say, “Well, what if I start charging and my clients go away?” Well, they weren’t your clients to begin with if you weren’t charging. If you’re not charging very much, they’re probably not your ideal clients anyways. Right?
If you think about it. How much time… I know a lot of you healers out there, when you guys do your sessions, it’s not an hour. You end up being with them for an hour and a half or two hours, and you’re only charging them like $100. It’s like wait a minute. That actually works out to like $50 an hour. What are you doing?
You have to really think that through, your time and what you’re putting together there and how that comes together. For those of you joining us, I’m Kimberly Maska and founder of Spiritual Biz Bootcamp. We were talking about charging, and how much you should be charging, and someone was asking the question about charging $2,000 for a course, which is what I teach in Spiritual Biz Bootcamp versus only charging like $197 or $97 for a program.
It really comes down to seeing your client in the highest light and knowing that you can get them results because when you’re charging them less, they’re not getting results. I wish it was different, but it’s not. I don’t know what that is. I think it’s because we usually have to have some major pain point and some major commitment to make a change, and then that’s why we’re ready to make a jump.
Think about when you talk to clients about just being happy and stuff like that, it’s like you can’t get them to do a session with you. If you go to a client and you say, “I’m going to show you how to be happy in your life, you guys aren’t getting clients doing it that way. I can guarantee it because there is no issue for them to say, “Oh, yeah, I really want to get that result.” They’re kind of like, “Oh, that’s pretty cool. That would be all right. I’m pretty happy already,” and they let it go.
So that’s why we’re talking about, when you have a higher price point, getting them a result for something major that they want to have transitioned in their life. When that happens, it’s a really big difference. Really big difference.
Then, one thing that just popped into my mind, so I’m going to address it. I get information when I do these things, so let me just address this, too. A lot of times, people will say, “Well, how do I then create my business without the funds? How do I get there to do that?” And it’s about getting ready to get ready. I kind of mentioned this earlier.
For those of you who are just joining, though, we have to get ready to get ready to do what we want. We all have a plan, right? We have a plan about what we want to do. We have to get ready to get there. So if you’re creating your business, start the plan to get ready to get ready. You can’t create it out of nothing. It’s interesting because people will say… Again, we just covered this whole price point thing and why we charge higher prices because you see your client will be committed and actually get results.
What happens is that someone will say, “Oh, you don’t want to help people that don’t have financial abundance.” And it’s like, “Well, you have to want to help you first,” and you should tell your clients this way, too. If your clients are like, “Well, I don’t really have any money. Do this for free,” it’s like, “Well, wait a minute. You have to want to help you first.”
You have to come first in what you want, and you can tell your client that. If they want something for free, be like, “Yeah, I’d like to help you, but I want you to help you first.” When we try and drag someone up from where they are, it’s impossible. It’s like dragging a drowning person in. They’re going to take you down with them. So you have to be able to help you first.
In fact, that’s one of the things when you’re a lifeguard, right? They actually tell you when you go through lifeguard training that if you think you can’t make it, you have to let that person drown because you can’t drown. You have to be able to save more lives and come back in. Same idea with your spiritual business. You have to be charging so that you can be abundant, so that you can help, and then you can give back.
If you’re lacking a constant energy exchange, you’re doing things for free – eh-eh. You need to be able to help you first. Tell the client to help themselves first. They have to be help-able. People who want things for free aren’t always necessarily help-able. Own who you are. Step it up and say, “Make a decision, and make a decision to create the reality that you desire.”
When you make that decision to create that reality, that’s “You’re getting ready to get ready,” whether it’s with your business or any other goal that you have. Get ready to get ready and prepare so that you can really make it happen and really change your life. So I think I’m done. Let’s see if I missed any other questions. Cool, I think I got everybody. If you have any other questions, let me know. I may answer them after the fact.
I hope you guys enjoyed this. Again, I’m Kimberly Maska, founder of Spiritual Biz Bootcamp. I think you guys all know about the Bootcamp now. If you don’t, I’ll post the link up there, but if you’re ready to go to six figures in your spiritual business, I can take you there and be able to get out there and really change some lives in a massive way.
I believe that’s it, so I will end this. Stacie says, “Totally worth it.” Stacie has completely changed her life through Bootcamp. It’s been really cool to watch her do that.
So Sammy says, “Do you teach how to deliver massive results in Bootcamp?” That’s exactly what it is. So in Bootcamp, I’m showing you how to find your clients because that always seems to be – people say, “I can’t find my clients.” I show you how to find your clients, how to serve them at the highest level, and get those results and then how to bring them in. That’s how you create your six-figure business, and I walk you through that through the 12-week Bootcamp. I will post the link. If you guys haven’t watched my free training, watch that. I will see you guys later in the Facebook group. Have a beautiful day, guys. Bye-bye.
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