This is also episode 24 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.
Today we discuss how to overcome your fear of tithing.
Okay, so we’ve spent the past three episodes talking about tithing and we all know we should be doing it, but a lot of fear can come up around tithing. So let’s have a quick conversation about this because this really needs to be addressed.
When we have fear come up around tithing, what’s happening is that we’re disconnected from Source. That’s it. Because when you know, I mean really know in every cell of your body, that Source flows through you, then we’re not afraid. We’re not scared and we’re not in scarcity because we know Source is flowing through us, always. But when we disconnect from Source, that’s when all the fears arise. Therefore, when we have a fear around tithing, it’s because we have forgotten about our connection and we have forgotten how powerful we are.
Tithing 10% is a big deal, I get it. Especially if you’re tithing 10% of your gross income. Just the idea of this can give a lot of people serious heart palpitations. They are thinking, “What do you mean 10%? I can barely get by right now with the money that I have? How in the world am I supposed to be tithing 10% of my income on top of my bills?” Are you having the same thoughts? I know it can be very scary, but you have to come back to center and you have to remember your connection with Source and that we’re always taken care of.
You’ve heard me say over and over that money is our greatest challenge here as spiritual beings. And it’s our greatest challenge because we give it so much power. We give a whole heck of a lot of our power away to money when we shouldn’t. That’s why it’s our greatest challenge, but as spiritual beings, we have to release that power. We have to see it for what it is, energy. We have to see it as energy and what we’re doing in this 3D world might not even be “real” anyways. A couple episodes ago, I talked about the idea that we’re living in a holographic universe, that this is really a matrix. And if that’s true, then none of this is actually happening. We’re creating these stories that money is this physical thing that can control us. We have to remember that it is energy, so we can release it and then allow it to flow back in. If we don’t release it to flow out, it’s not going to flow in.
That’s why most people are in scarcity, because they are hanging onto money too tight. That’s why it doesn’t seem to show up for us because we have this 3D reality that we have all of these bills to pay (all part of the matrix) and we don’t release money back out into the Universe. We work really hard to receive a paycheck but as soon as that check clears, it’s gone because you’ve had to pay all the bills. So then you’re thinking, well, how in the world am I going to tithe it on top of that?There just isn’t any money to do it.
This is where that trust has to come in. The faith and knowing that Source is flowing through you. Knowing that Source, God, Infinite Intelligence is our source of prosperity and abundance. It’s not us. It’s not the job you’re working. It’s not the person who’s writing you a check at the end of every two weeks. That’s not where your money comes from. Your money comes from you and your vibration.
When you think about tithing 10%, you have to come back and remember who you are because you are a powerful being who gets to create your reality, who has Source flowing through you. And when you can really sit in that, then the fear will start to dissipate.
Now, initially the fear may not dissipate at all. You may be scared to death. Think of it as jumping out of a plane. You’re up there, and it’s time to jump and you just do it. You might want to take that attitude towards tithing. You’re up there. You’re a little terrified. And you just do it knowing God, Source, Infinite Intelligence is going to help and assist you in paying the bills because you gave you 10% tithe.
You know what’s crazy? It’s going to work. The money will show up in ways you can’t even comprehend. Source will always take care of you. You hear the phrase, “Source has got your back.” Well, that’s not just some little phrase. That’s the truth of who we are. Source is flowing through us and we’ll always take care of us, unless we get in our own way. It’s us getting in our own way that creates all of the negative around us.
But if we just relax into this whole concept of money, and know that Source has us covered at all times, it makes it easier to put the energy of money out there in the form of a tithe.
You can look at it one of two ways. You can sit in your fear around it, which I totally understand, or you can just jump. I think the right thing to do is just jump. You have to jump and you have to trust, but it’s your call. You need to have that conversation with God, Source, Infinite Intelligence, so that you know what you should be doing. I will reiterate that the word tithe means tenth, but use your inner gnosis to know what you should be doing, remembering that Source has got your back, always.
If you think you can overcome your fear of tithing, go ahead and take a picture of this podcast, post it out on social media and tag me. I’d love to hear your story. And we’re down to our last few episodes in our prosperity series. You’re not going to want to miss an episode, make sure you subscribe to this podcast and if you like what you’re hearing, leave a review. I’ll catch you in the next episode.
Key Points:
The word tithe means tenth
Source really does have your back
Fear around tithing is simply your disconnection from Source
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You can find the Edwene Gaines book referenced, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, on Amazon.
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