This is episode 21 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.
Today I give you a prayer for clearing debt.
Debt is like the scariest topic there is for a lot of people. I think I did a whole podcast last week on debt and the vibration of debt. But now let’s talk about how we actually get rid of it.
When it comes to debt, the first thing we have to do is we have to face it and forgive ourselves. Those are the two biggest things. If we don’t face it, if we ignore it, then we can’t give it the focused energy it needs. We’re going to have to give some energy to it, but some positive energy, because to begin to clear the debt we need to give it energy.
The first thing I would do is I would list out all the debt. I know this is scary for people, but sit down, take out all the bills that you have, everything that you owe and list it out. Write out on a piece of paper, in a notebook, put it in a spreadsheet, whatever feels right for you, but write it all out so that you can see each item. And once you have them listed out, take a look at them and give appreciation for each one, because you got something for that debt. You made a purchase and that is why you have the debt. You may not see it now, but there was an energy exchange. You had some early gratification and now you are faced with the debt. So the first thing you want to do is to give the debt some gratitude because it allowed you to get something without actually having the energy of money to do it. Then the next thing you’re going to do is you’re going to write next to each item, “I give thanks for your immediate and complete payment. You’re immediately and completely paid by the divine substance of the universe.” You’re handing it over the solution to the Universe.
Remember, Source is your source. God is your source for all of your abundance. You may not know exactly how these debts are going to get paid and that’s okay. That is why you are handing it over to God.
Once you’ve done that, now you’re going to take the list and organize them in order of priority, especially if it’s a big list. If it’s a little list great. But if it’s a big list, well then you’re going to have some prioritizing to do so. After you have them listed in order of priority, take the top three items and next to them write, “I give thanks that you are immediately and completely paid by _______” and put the date when you need it paid by. Make sure it feels right. Don’t say tomorrow, because then you’re going to freak out and it’s not going to work. You’ve got to be in alignment with this, but give it a date. And you can say, “this date or sooner” so that the Universe can deliver to you in divine timing, and then release it.
Every day you want to come back to those three and you want to rewrite that out and say it out loud. “I give thanks that you are immediately and completely paid by this date or sooner.” Continue to do that for those top priorities every single day until they are paid, then move on to the next priorities.
In addition to the above, you’re going to add in one more prayer. You need to focus on this prayer for at least five minutes every day as part of your meditation process. Again, that is five minutes, each day at a minimum. If you can do it longer, that’s better, but at a minimum for five minutes you’re going to say, “I give thanks for the immediate and complete payment of all of my financial obligations. They will all be taken care of in a wonderful way.” And that’s it. Keep it simple, but this needs to be a focus.
If you are committed to having your debt cleared and healing your financial disease of debt, then you need to be committed to doing this every single day. If you’re committed, take a picture of this podcast, posted out there on social media and say, “I’M COMMITTED!” because you are ready to be debt-free. Then from there, you can begin to work on building your wealth, but we need to remove the debt first.
And one last thing, before I go, make sure you forgive yourself for this debt. Whatever it was that created the debt… who knows what it can be, we’ve all had crazy life experiences. So no matter how much debt there is or how it was created, forgive yourself because you can’t be carrying around the guilt associated with the debt. You’re going to have to release that too. So forgive yourself and then bring this into your meditation and put some real focus on your debt so that you can transmute it into an amazing experience, with a wonderful lesson, and begin to heal yourself from the financial disease of debt.
You’re not going to want to miss an episode. We only have nine left! Make sure you subscribe to this podcast and if you like what you’re hearing, leave a review. I’ll catch you in the next episode.
Key Points:
- You must forgive yourself for your debt
- To clear the debt you need to focus on it
- Be committed to being debt free and the Universe will support you every step of the way
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