This is episode 16 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty.
And today we’re talking about the vibration of debt.
Debt. That’s one of those words that scares the bejesus out of most people, isn’t it? Debt can be a scary thing, especially if it’s out of control. I recently recorded an episode that says that poverty is a mental disease. And I would say the same of debt. Debt is an illness. And I think we have all had that illness at one point or another. Most people don’t escape this illness, maybe a select few, and if you’ve been free from the illness of debt, congrats! For those of us who have experienced it or maybe are sick with it now, know that it’s an illness that can be healed.
It most definitely can be healed when we get into alignment with who we truly are. The reason why most people create debt is usually because they are trying to fill a void in their life. I went through that for many, many years when I worked on Wall Street. I wasn’t happy and I didn’t know what else to do, so I would go shopping all the time. Now, at that point in time in my life, I actually had enough abundance that I didn’t have to go into debt while filling my void, but later in my life, I did. And I am talking A LOT of debt. I was trying to make things “work” and I overextending myself.
I think we’ve all done it at some point, just know it is okay. Even though debt is a disease, it is one that can be cured. The first step is to not feel guilty. I think there’s a lot of guilt that sits around debt. Let’s remove the guilt and come up with a plan. Listening to this prosperity series is a great way to start, but you need to come up with a plan to cure the disease of debt.
You don’t want to ignore it. If you ignore it, it just gets worse. And you become more out of alignment with money, causing you to repel money away. The deeper in debt you get, the lower your vibration, the more worried and stressed you become. None of those things serve you. Shift your perspective and look at your debt as one of your lessons that you’re learning while you’re here on this planet. Once you see it as a lesson, you can begin to shift your vibration around debt and truly have a beautiful relationship with money. This will allow you to bring in the prosperity that you need to be able to rid yourself of your debt.
Let’s do a little exercise that starts with being friends with the debt. Take a good look at your debt and write out the story behind the debt. What happened? What were you trying to do that got you into debt? Was it because you weren’t happy and you were trying to fill a void? Were hiding something from someone and trying to make things “work”? What was the thing that got you into debt? You have to start there and take a really good look at what happened, because that’s the only way you’re going to cure this financial disease, by uncovering what occurred so that you can shift your vibration around those events.
Let’s say you were overspending because there was a void in your life. You were unhappy for whatever reason, spousal issues, work issues, whatever it was. If that’s the case, then you know that you need to do the inner work to fix that void or you will never be able to cure the disease of your financial debt. The inner work has to happen. So you start by looking at what caused it in the first place and write it out using a pen and paper. Get clear on what caused the debt to begin with. Now it’s time to forgive yourself. This forgiveness piece is huge. And if there was another person involved in this debt process, maybe an ex spouse that ran up the debt and then left (I’ve heard that story a whole bunch of times), forgive them too.
Even if you are thinking, “Hey, they created that debt. That debt really isn’t mine.” We know we have to take 100% responsibility for our lives. We created that situation with our higher selves, for us to level up and learn. So now it’s time for you to learn and to heal from that experience and forgiveness is the way to heal.
Forgive yourself and forgive those people involved. Remember, you were all doing the best that you could do at that time. Forgiveness is a big thing. It’s not a simple, “Oh, I forgive you.” Forgiveness is a very active process. It takes a lot of courage to forgive and to do the healing work behind that. But it’s the only way you’re going to heal this financial disease. So do the exercise around forgiveness and then burn that paper, sending out a little prayer, send them and yourself love and light. If someone else was involved, see them in their highest light, knowing that they were just doing the best they could do, burn that paper and let it go.
If there’s any emotion around this process, I want you to tap into that emotion, understand that that is your power. Your emotions house power and you want to take your power back from the emotions that you experience during this release process.
And you’ve completed this process, write your new debt story. What does debt look like for you? So let’s have that conversation.
Many spiritual entrepreneurs say, “I don’t want to get into debt. I don’t want a credit card because that’s debt.” This is a very limited way of thinking. There’s two different of debt. And the only way, you know, the difference, is how do they feel? What does the debt feel like?
There is good debt and bad debt, but it’s not a clear cut definition of which is good vs. bad. You have to check within yourself and see how it feels. If you are going to get into debt because you saw a pair of shoes that you really have to have, and you didn’t have the money, the shoes might feel good at the moment, but the debt probably doesn’t feel very good.
But let’s just say you decided to invest in yourself. You know, most of my clients pay for their Spiritual Biz Bootcamp or Spiritual Biz Coaching programs with a credit card, but they’re not seeing it as debt. They’re seeing it as an opportunity. They’re seeing it as a way to expand themselves, to create a higher version of themselves and to create a business, which is going to bring them prosperity and abundance.
It feels good to them and they’re excited and they can see the outcome of where their spiritual business is going to be in their mind’s eye. They’re excited about it. It’s not scary. And if we ever do get someone on the phone that is scared about doing it, I literally will tell them, “Don’t do it!” Because I know it will be nearly impossible for them to create prosperity if they have a low vibration around joining the program.
So if you want to create a spiritual business, you need to have a credit card. It’s part of having a business. Don’t put a lot on it and make sure you pay it off every month, but you will need to have a credit card so that you can get your business up and running. That would be good debt because it feels exciting. You’re in the creative flow and the divine spark has inspired you to create your spiritual business. You’ll know it’s good debt because it’ll feel good.
Bad debt is when you have purchased something that isn’t going to give you a return. There might be a little bit of happiness for a moment, but ultimately it’s not really serving you. And you can feel that it isn’t serving you. You have to feel into it because there is no specific rule that says, this is good debt, that’s bad debt. For example, let’s just look at school debt. Someone might say, well, I really want to go to college so I’m going to take out a student loan and feel really good about it. Another person might think of school and not feel good because they don’t believe they will be able to get a job when they get out of that school, even though they’ve given them tens of thousands of dollars. It doesn’t feel good to them.
So again, how does it feel when you are entering into debt? Was the divine spark within you inspired to do something? Or are you trying to fill a void? Feel into it.
And again, we’ve all been there, we’ve all done it at one point or another. Just know that it is okay, you’ve had the financial disease and now it’s time to cure yourself. You’re taking the first steps by listening to this prosperity series and doing the exercise I just gave you so you can get rid of any emotion, blame or guilt you have around the debt. Forgive yourself, forgive the people that were part of that process. Clear that energy so that you can allow prosperity and abundance to flow to you.
You are not going to want to miss the next episode, subscribe to this podcast and if you like what you’re hearing, leave a review. I will catch you in the next episode.
Key Points:
- Debt is an financial illness
- You can cure the financial illness of debt with forgiveness
- To be free of debt, you must do the inner work
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