This is episode 19 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty.
And today we discuss how to use the divine spark within you to create abundance.
I’m going to break this down a little bit. First notice I said, create money, not make money. We’ve been very conditioned in this 3D world to think that we have to go make money. My definition of making money is that we have to go out, work hard for it, and then someone hands us a check. That someone is usually a corporation, and that corporation is having you swap your time for money. That corporation can also let you go whenever they decide. To me, that’s making money. It’s almost a kind of slave labor. What I’m talking about in this episode is how we create money.
Creating money comes from your divine spark within. It comes from that moment that you get an idea that flows to you from Source. You receive an idea, act upon it, and that is how you create money out of thin air. It is amazing to watch when someone has an idea and they actually take inspired action. How many times have you had an idea but then you’ve ignored it? Every time you do that, you’re throwing money away, you’re repelling it, vibrationally saying, “Don’t come to me. I don’t want you, money.” Because the reason why you’re having the idea in the first place is because your connection with Source was on fire! You had a spark, that divine spark lit you up and you received an idea. That idea was created to lead you to prosperity. That’s why we get these ideas. The divine spark initiates an idea, you take inspired action, and then that idea turns into abundance.
When people are trying to figure out how to make money, what happens is, they forget how powerful they are. They become very 3D about how to create abundance. They might decide they need to get a degree so they can have a better paying job. But that is still “making money” where you are tied to a corporation, who on a whim can let you go. And you’re also still trading your time for money.
When you create money, it’s limitless. You can create whatever you desire. That’s what I teach my clients and my Spiritual Biz Coaching and Bootcamp programs. They took their divine spark (they each had a spark/idea to be a spiritual coach), they took inspired action, joined my program and now they get to create money by creating programs that serve their clients. With this creation process, money literally appears out of thin air.
It’s amazing to watch it happen. It’s about all raising our vibration and being in vibrational alignment with our clients. We raise our vibration, shine our light as brightly as possible, our potential clients see us and they want to connect with us. Then we do an energy exchange. We give them something of immense value and in return, they give us the energy of money (the energy you give in your services should always be a little bit greater than the money that you receive). It’s a beautiful process, and that is how you create money. When you’re creating money, you also are in complete control. You get to decide what your business looks like, and you get to decide that by being aware of your thoughts and feelings and the words that you’re saying around your business.
When you can raise your vibration, follow your divine spark, take inspired action and move forward on the idea that Source gave to you, and on top of that, you serve on this planet, you will never ever be in lack because you’re providing a service that people really want. They want it because you can change their life. That’s why I show my clients how to take all of their knowledge and change someone’s life with the information that they have. People will always do an energy exchange with you because they are looking for what you have to offer.
So please always take time to tap into your divine spark, get those ideas and actually take inspired action. An idea gets you absolutely nowhere and creates no money if you don’t take inspired action.
If you’re ready to take inspired action, take a picture of this podcast, posted out in social media and say, “I’m inspired!” and take whatever inspired action that feels right for you. You will be so grateful that you did because that is what Source wants you to do. Don’t miss an episode, make sure you subscribe to this podcast. And if you like what you’re hearing, leave a review. I’ll catch you in the next episode.
Key Points:
- When you create money it comes from a divine spark
- An idea serves no one without inspired action
- You will never be in lack if you follow divine inspiration
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Happy Life by Fredji
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