This is episode 14 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty.
And today we’re talking about why it’s so important for you to envision your prosperity.
You can only receive what you can envision yourself receiving. I’m going to say that again. You can only receive what you can envision yourself receiving. We know we’re powerful beings, and we know that our creative ability is our gift. It’s a unique gift to human beings that we can think about something and then create. But if we aren’t focused on what we’re creating, it doesn’t work. The creation falls apart. Think about it, if we can’t see where we’re going, how do we expect to get there?
I had a time in my life about a year and a half ago, when I had all sorts of crazy stuff happening with my company. And I literally felt like I couldn’t see the next step. Because I couldn’t see where I was going, and even in my deepest meditation was unable to envision the next step, I got stuck. It was not a fun place to be. My vision was blocked for where I was going. I did some work, the inner work we all must do, and with the assistance of one of my Spiritual Biz Mastery clients, I cleared a few things. Once I did that, I could see again. And once I could see again, I could easily envision my next steps and everything began to shift.
When I have new clients joining my Spiritual Biz Coaching program, I always ask them, how do you envision your business? What does it look like for you? So many times they say, “I don’t know, I don’t have a vision.” And I know that they’re going to really struggle until they have a clear vision, because we can only create what we can see. If we don’t know what we’re creating, we get a blob. If we had a piece of raw clay to work with and we had no idea what we were creating with it.. and we just kept pushing on it, then it’s just a blob. We get the same thing we had when we started. But when we have an idea, a creative spark, and we work with the clay, we begin to form it into something. A horse or a unicorn or a rainbow or whatever it is that we have envisioned (I love unicorns!). When we begin to have a vision before we start to create, then the outcome is clear. This applies to all of your life.
When it comes to the prosperity and abundance that you desire, what is your vision? It’s not just a want, you can’t just say, “Oh, I want a million dollars in the bank.” What does that mean to you? What does that look like for you? I have my clients do an exercise. I have them envision their life after they have hit their goal with their business. I ask them, “What does it feel like when you envision your life and success?” It’s different for everybody and only you will know what it looks like for you. But if you aren’t envisioning your life, the things you desire won’t show up.
Here is a big reason why so many people struggle with abundance, and this goes back to what I discussed in episode five of the Prosperity Series, it takes commitment. You have to envision everyday where you want to go. When we get it lazy with our thoughts and lazy with our emotions, that’s when things don’t show up because we’re not committed. It’s like going to the gym, you have to go to the gym at least three or four times a week in order to see a result. You can’t go to the gym once a month and expect to lose 10 pounds. That’s not going to happen.
You have to be consistent. You have to be committed. Ask yourself, “How committed am I to my prosperity?” If you’re really committed, then you have to begin to work on envisioning your prosperity. What do you want it to look like? And then once you know what it looks like, what does it feel like?
Remember as a child, you were able to lay around and daydream for hours? You would take your toys and create a whole scenario around the toys and what they were doing…what mountains they were climbing and what bad guys they were fighting. For some reason, we stopped doing that as adults. Frankly, I think I know what happened, they trained it out of us in this institution called school. We have lost the creative process and we really need to get back into that creative mode.
Let’s be “childlike” and begin to dream. Envision your life as you want it to be and bring it into your meditation. If you’re not meditating every day, well, that’s one of the reasons why prosperity is eluding you. Envision what it is you desire. How do you see your life? What does your life look like when you are prosperous? Are you able to spend an hour and a half every morning, meditating and reading spiritual works? Are you able to take an extended trip to be able to go be in peace with nature? What does it look like for you? For me, I have a very specific vision of a house that is on a lake or some kind of waterfront. That’s part of my vision every morning. I work on that and it’s very emotional because I can feel Source working through me. I am committed to that vision and I’m creating from my mind’s eye and it feels right. It’s amazing. I have zero doubt that this home will appear in my 3D reality.
Have you ever read the St Germain, I AM books? They talk about the manifestation process and I’m just going to summarize it here. The idea is that when we go to manifest and we have a vision of what we want, the atoms begin to come together and they begin to form the physical manifestation of our desire. But if we stop focusing on our desire the physical manifestation falls apart. The atoms drop to the ground or they move on to someone else that’s more focused. When we’re committed to our vision, the items begin to come together and they begin to form. And it’s the vibration of us and the feeling of it that creates the 3D manifestation.
Bring that envisioning process into your meditation because we can only create what we’re envisioning. If we can’t see it, it won’t happen. So think about what do you want your life to look like? Do a little exercise, write it out so that you can know exactly what it is and then bring it into your meditation. Begin every morning thinking about what you want your life to look like. What is prosperity to you? How does it feel?
A lot of times people have trouble thinking of money in the bank, it feels off. I think the reason why we have trouble thinking about the money in the bank is because we really know what’s not real. We know it’s just energy. And so we have trouble seeing it in a physical space. So instead of looking at the money as “money”, begin to feel it. What does the energy of money feel like? And what does your life look like when you are a prosperous being?
I’d love to hear how that begins to manifest for you. Take a picture of this podcast, posted on social media and tag me and I will come on by and say “Hi!”. And you’re not going to want to miss an episode. Make sure you subscribe to this podcast. And if you like what you’re hearing, leave a review. I will catch you in the next episode.
Key Points:
- If you can’t envision it, you can’t create it
- What does the energy of money & prosperity FEEL like to you?
- Bring this process into your meditation every morning
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Happy Life by Fredji
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