This is episode 18 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty.
And today we’re diving into, where does money come from?
By now, you know, money is energy, and if you’ve been paying attention to the prosperity series, you know that money comes from us not to us. I want to make sure that I really drive this home and that’s why we’re doing an entire episode on it.
We create money in conjunction with Source, God, Infinite Intelligence, the Universe, whatever name works best for you. We create with Source and that’s where money really comes from. It doesn’t come from the work that we do. It doesn’t come from winning a lottery ticket. It doesn’t come from the 3D space around us. It comes from us based on our vibration. Look around at your life, if you’re not liking what you’re seeing, it’s because your thoughts, your vibration and the things that you say have created that exact reality. That reality you are seeing is coming from you. It cannot come from anywhere else. It comes from you and your vibration.
That’s why it is so important to remember where money comes from, us. Now since you’re listening to me, I know you’ve gone through at least one awakening process, but I promise you there’s more to come. And if you’re struggling with money, that means you still have a ways to go because we know money is part of our spiritual test. Money is a spiritual test to see where we are vibrationally. When we’re looking at our checking accounts and we’re not seeing the money there, and we’re starting to panic, that is just a reflection of our vibration. The thoughts that we’ve been having are now starring us in the face.
One of the thought patterns that I’ve had in the past was that when money would come in I would have a subconscious thought like, “Okay, let me get all the bills paid really quickly before the money runs out.” That’s crazy, isn’t it? But as most definitely a thought pattern and I can watch myself do it. Money would come in and I’d pay off everything that I needed to pay off, which was almost done out of a fear that there wasn’t going to be any more money for awhile. I would get everything paid and then I would feel really comfortable for a while. And then the money would disappear again. And it would disappear because, well, of course I created that reality! And another reality that I still create myself is that I pride myself on how good I am at juggling funds. I’ve been doing that since my early twenties. My parents had a financial situation that I had to take care of, in fact, many financial situations that I have had to take care of since I was about 22 years old. I had to learn how to juggle. I was taking care of all of their finances, as well as my own, and I learned to “juggle” the funds to make everything work. There was a sense of pride, that I could juggle money and get things to hum, sort of hum, paying person A and ignoring person B and then paying person C and then the next time paying person B and not person A. It was crazy, but it was done out of necessity. The real problem was that I found some sort of pride in that skill and I’ve carried that around for years too. And every now and then I will slip back into it and I’ll hear myself think, “Oh, well, if I can just juggle this….” and I catch myself and think, “Oh! There it is again!”
Think about the thoughts you’re having about your money and your finances, because that’s why you have this reality that you’re experiencing. Those two thoughts I was having were pretty ingrained in me and even to this day continue to repeat themselves. It’s a cycle. And there’s been a pattern in my prosperity because of those thought patterns.
Take a moment to take a look at your money patterns. Do you see a pattern in your spending or in your debt? Is there a pattern in your flow of abundance? I think we all have them, very few people are in balance with money, which is where we need to be. We need to be in balance so that we can get into alignment with money. When we are in balance, it’s easier to create more money. When we’re out of balance and we have a lot of debt or we’re having a lack of money, at that moment of being out of balance we actually repel money away because there’s a little bit of fear behind being out of balance. When we’re in balance, when you know you can afford your mortgage payment and your car payment, everything feels good. Then you can create more money. But it’s very, very difficult to create money when you’re in scarcity. I know a lot of times we can manifest money because we’re really, really focused because we need it so bad. But then it doesn’t last very long, does it?
Being able to know that money comes from us is the key piece to prosperity. No, I’m going to throw on a little twist because I’ve said it a million times, money comes from us. But one little twist is to know that money actually comes from Source. All of your money and your prosperity comes from Source. Not totally you, but it’s Source flowing through you. Not the 3D you, the 5D you. That’s where money really comes from. So when you’re in a moment of panic or scarcity around money, just remember it’s coming from Source, ultimately source flowing through you, so long as you don’t block it and repel it with low vibration thoughts. If you’re an open receptacle for the flow of Source, God, Infinite Intelligence to flow through you, you will never be in lack. You will always have prosperity.
That’s why they say that abundance is our birthright. It’s our birthright and it’s our natural state. See, all these crazy thoughts we have as humans, that’s not our natural state. You may feel like it’s your natural state because you can’t stop the chatter in your mind, but that’s not your natural state. Our natural state is to be open to receiving the flow from Source. When we’re open to receiving the flow from Source, that’s when we receive abundance. And that’s it, God is our source.
So when you’re in that moment of lack, you need to stop and realize that you’ve probably been blocking prosperity with these crazy thoughts and feelings. Stop and remember that God is our source.
You don’t even have to know how the money will show up. You may be looking at the 3D and thinking, “I have to go get a job so that I can get money.” But who knows how it will come in? Don’t limit yourself. You are truly an amazingly powerful human being that can create whatever you desire. So let’s not put limits on your abundance by saying it has to come from a 3D job. It can come from anywhere. I think I shared with you guys last week and I had a thousand dollars come to me out of absolutely nowhere. Someone said they had a spiritual debt they wanted to pay and they sent me some money. It was a beautiful energy exchange. And what was interesting, was that the week before I was thinking about money and I said to myself, “You know what? It doesn’t matter where it comes from. I’m going to loosen up a little bit and allow it to flow. Instead of focusing on the 3D and thinking I had to go build a new marketing funnel to increase my income, I allowed abundance to flow from wherever it was going to flow. Open up to receiving it in any way possible. It is not just about going to a job probably when you don’t love and getting a paycheck. It is so much more than that.
At the end of the day, remember that money comes from you and it comes from Source. And so that means sources flowing through you. And that’s why it is your natural state to be abundant. I’d love to hear your ah-ha’s from this podcast, take a picture and post it out on social media and tag me. And again, you’re not going to want to miss an episode, subscribe to this podcast and leave a review if you like what you’re hearing. I’ll catch you in the next episode.
Key Points:
- God is the source of your prosperity
- Money comes FROM us not TO us
- Your thoughts and vibration create your financial reality
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