This is episode 16 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty.
And today we’re talking about why it is actually the LACK of money that is the “root of evil.”
Now we’ve all heard the saying “Money is the root of all evil.” And I’d like to flip that around and say that it’s actually the lack of money that is evil because money itself is just energy.
If you’ve been listening through all the prosperity episodes, you know, that money is energy and it matches our vibration. When we say that money is evil, it usually comes from the idea that people use money to do bad things with it. Some people believe that a “nice” person received money in their life and then became this evil person. They think it was the money that changed them. But that’s actually total nonsense. All money does is amplify who you are. And that’s why I say it’s so important for spiritual leaders to be prosperous because we are in a higher vibration. We have an awareness of our thoughts and our feelings. And we have a plan of action for how we want to shift consciousness on this planet.
You give money to someone who hasn’t done the inner work, who still has a lot of demons running through their head with a vibration of anger or revenge, then the money will amplify that side of them. Now give a spiritual leader money and it will amplify who they are! The money will have a high vibration and the spiritual leader will be able to go out and change the world at an even greater pace because they have abundance flowing to them.
We know money is not evil. Money is energy, and we get to imbue money with whatever energy we want. You’ve heard me say a bunch of times, to imbue it with love. What needs more love than money so that we can do amazing things with it?
All money does is highlight and illuminate the issues that the person who receives the money is having. That’s all it does.
Now I did start this podcast by saying that the lack of money is evil. I know that will trigger some people, but if you really are honest with yourself and you give some real thought to the idea that lack of money is evil, you have to admit that it is true. People do crazy things for money. People kill for money. People steal for money. They hurt other people for money. It’s amazing what people will do for it. And why are they doing it? Because they’re in lack and scarcity. If a person feels prosperous and abundant, knows that they create their reality, and that their vibration and their feelings bring in what it is they desire, then they are NOT going to be hurting others for money. They wouldn’t have to steal and they wouldn’t have to commit murder over money because they know they are so powerful the they can CREATE money. See, it’s the lack of money that’s causing the issue.
When someone is in lack, it causes them to be in a lower vibration with all of these crazy thoughts running through their head and like, “How do I get the money to fix xyz?” They think money is the solution to their problem. And we all know that money is not the solution. I hope everyone’s got that through this prosperity series. Yes, I’m talking about creating a prosperous life, but that’s not even close to the end all be all it. However, to be in our highest vibration, it definitely helps us if we have the energy flow of money to help us do that.
So we know money is not a solution to things. We have to do the inner work and it’s only through the inner work do we become worthy to have abundance. We have to be worthy of creating prosperity and abundance. If we’re not worthy, then that’s when things get really out of whack. That’s why people say that money is evil. It has nothing to do with the money itself. It has everything to do with the human that is playing with the money that is doing irrational things with the money. That’s what it is. It’s because they have disconnected from Source.
Again, that’s why it is so important for spiritual leaders, spiritual coaches, spiritual teachers, all of you guys out there, why it is so important for you to create abundance because you’re in a higher vibration. You’re doing the inner work every day. Yes, we know it’s a process, but you’re doing the inner work so that when you have abundance, when you have prosperity in your life, it’s in a high vibration.
You can do amazing things with it, truly amazing things. I have a few clients that have created spiritual centers and communities. And they’re able to do that because they created prosperity in their life with their spiritual gifts. That is how we serve. So remember it is not that money is evil, it is the lack of money. It is being in scarcity and lack that causes people to do crazy, crazy things.
If you look around the areas that are in the most lack, these neighborhoods have the highest crime and murder rates. It’s a different vibration because they’re in lack.
Now that does NOT mean that the rich are all happy and in their highest vibration, that is not what this means. Someone can have money and still be out of alignment. This is what we’ve been talking about, right? Those are the people that we look at with money that makes us think money is the root of all evil. It’s because these people are out of alignment and disconnected from Source.
But those of us who are in alignment with Source can have abundance. You can have a prosperous life and we can do amazing things with it. So that is why this is so important for you guys to hear and understand. And that is why I am doing this prosperity series because not only is it your birthright for you to live the most joyous, amazing life (that’s what God, Source, Infinite Intelligence had intended for you) but it’s also part of your duty to take that abundance and spread it around. To give back.
That’s why we’re here, so we can create and give back. And when we stand in that energy, we know we will always have enough and we can imbue money with the energy of love and we can really help transform this planet. So if you have that thought in the back of your mind, that money was evil, I hope this shifted it.
I’d love to hear your aha moments. Take a picture of this podcast, posted out in social media and tag me, and I will come on by and say “Hi.” And again, you’re not going to want to miss an episode. We are halfway through our prosperity series, so make sure you subscribe and if you like what you’re hearing, leave a review. I’ll catch you in the next episode.
Key Points:
- It is the lack of money that causes people to hurt others to “get” money
- Just because someone has money does NOT mean they are in alignment with Source
- It is important for spiritual leaders to be abundant because they have done the inner work to be in their highest vibration, thus allowing them to do good with the money
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