are we a Vibrational Match?
There are some key characteristics that I have found make the most successful spiritual entrepreneurs. When someone embodies these three characteristics, I know that their success is just one vibrational shift away. Do you embody these characteristics?
Decisiveness is key to your success. What is the opposite of decisive? Well, indecisive, of course. When someone is indecisive, they hem and haw, and they bring doubt into their lives. They begin to wonder, Will this work? Will I be able to succeed? How do I know this is right for me? Basically, they are letting their human get in the way with worry and fear and are disconnecting from Source.
You see, whatever is in front of you, you attracted. You connected with Source on your desire; you called it in; Source brought it into your 3D awareness. When you know this and TRUST Source, it is easy to be decisive and let life flow. Decisiveness is the outward expression of your connection and trust with the Universe. So… Are you decisive or do you let your human get in the way?
It goes without saying that you have to be coachable. You have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and TRUST in the process. Great coaches are there to energetically push you into a new version of you. Do you think the greatest athletes got that way by ignoring their coaches? NO. They listened and followed direction because they knew that they were sowing seeds to reap later.
When you take the word RESOURCEFUL and flip it around, what do you get? Full of Source! When you are connected to Source and Source is flowing through every cell of your body, you KNOW that anything is possible. We have all felt that moment with the deep connection and then — poof — you can manifest anything. That is what I am talking about. The KNOWING that any desire you have can be fulfilled because Infinite Intelligence is organizing everything for you. No human doubt. No human fear. No human worry. Just a KNOWING that Source is working through you.